


%zessentials_center_<first text>_<second text>_<text length>%

Transforms two placeholders to add space between them. This allows to create texts that will have the same space between the name of the player and his score for example.

%zessentials_economy_baltop_amount_<economy name>_<position>%

Returns the player's economy amount for the given economy and position

%zessentials_economy_baltop_formatted_amount_<economy name>_<position>%

Returns the player's economy formatted amount for the given economy and position

%zessentials_economy_baltop_name_<economy name>_<position>%

Returns the player's name for the given economy and position

%zessentials_economy_baltop_uuid_<economy name>_<position>%

Returns the player's uuid for the given economy and position


Returns the number of homes

%zessentials_home_exist_<home name>%

Returns true if home exists, otherwise false


Returns the number of max homes


Replace the value of one placeholder with another


Returns the number for a given economy

%zessentials_user_cooldown_formatted_<cooldown key>%

Returns the remaining formatted time for the cooldown

%zessentials_user_cooldown_second_<cooldown key>%

Returns the remaining time in seconds for the cooldown


Returns the player’s playing time of the current session


Returns the player’s playing time of the current session formatted


Returns the formatted number for a given economy

%zessentials_user_has_kit_<kit name>%

Returns true or false if the player has the kit

%zessentials_user_is_cooldown_<cooldown key>%

Returns true if the key is a cooldown


Returns true if the player's is mute

%zessentials_user_kit_is_available_<kit name>%

Returns true if the player can get the kit

%zessentials_user_kit_time_until_available_<kit name>%

Returns the time before the player can use the kit again


Returns the number of items in the mailbox


Returns the remaining formatted time for the mute


Returns the remaining time in seconds for the mute

%zessentials_user_option_<option name>%

Returns the value for an option


Returns the player’s playing time


Returns the player’s playing time formatted


Returns the formatted playtime


Returns the playtime in seconds

%zessentials_user_position_<economy name>%

Returns the player's position in baltop for a given economy


Returns the formatted current session


Returns the current session in seconds


Returns true if the target player is banned, otherwise false


Returns true if the target player is muted, otherwise false


Returns the number formatted for the /pay command


Returns the name of the target player

Special Placeholders


This placeholder allows you to add space between two texts to align them. The result will look like this:

The placeholder will generate dots (.) between the player’s nickname and their argument.

Attention: The syntax of this placeholder is different from the others. Please follow the explanations carefully!

To understand how the placeholder works, let’s use the hologram example:


This placeholder consists of three elements: the initial text, the ending text, and the total text size. The placeholder will fill the remaining space to achieve the desired size.

Each element must be separated by an underscore (_).

You can use other placeholders within this structure. They must be enclosed in { and }. For example, {zessentials_economy_baltop_name_money_1} will become %zessentials_economy_baltop_name_money_1%.

Last updated