
You can manage multiple scoreboards with this plugin. zEssentials uses the FastBoard library to create scoreboards with packets. You don't need to install any other plugins for this module to work.


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# Documentation: https://zessentials.groupez.dev/modules/scoreboard
# FastBoard: https://github.com/MrMicky-FR/FastBoard

enable: true

# The conditions when connecting the player to choose the scoreboard
# When connecting the scoreboard displayed will be the one with the highest priority and or the player to all requirements
  - priority: 0
    scoreboard: default
  - priority: 1
    scoreboard: admin
    # For requirements please use zMenu: https://docs.zmenu.dev/configurations/buttons/requirements
      - type: permission
        permission: "zessentials.scoreboard.admin"

# Enables task for conditions
enable-task-conditions: false

# The second interval for conditions
task-conditions-interval: 2

# Conditions that will be checked all x seconds to change scoreboard
  - scoreboard: event
    # For requirements please use zMenu: https://docs.zmenu.dev/configurations/buttons/requirements
      - type: placeholder
        placeholder: "%player_world%"
        value: "event"
        action: EQUALS_STRING

    default: true
    title: "#53edd6zEssentials"
      - line: 1
        text: ""
      - line: 2
        text: "&7Balance: &a%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%"
        event: "fr.maxlego08.essentials.api.event.events.user.UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent"
      - line: 3
        text: "&7Coins: &a%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%"
        event: "fr.maxlego08.essentials.api.event.events.user.UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent"
      - line: 4
        text: ""
      - line: 5
        text: "play.essentials.fr"
        animation: COLOR_WAVE
        fromColor: "#5599ff"
        toColor: "#ffffff"
        length: 5 # animation length
        delayBetween: 5000 # in milliseconds
        animationSpeed: 30 # in milliseconds
    title: "#53edd6zEssentials"
      - line: 1
        text: ""
      - line: 2
        text: "&7Balance: &a%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%"
        event: "fr.maxlego08.essentials.api.event.events.user.UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent"
      - line: 3
        text: "&7Coins: &a%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%"
        event: "fr.maxlego08.essentials.api.event.events.user.UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent"
      - line: 4
        text: "&7Rank: &cAdmin"
      - line: 5
        text: ""
      - line: 6
        text: "play.essentials.fr"
        animation: COLOR_WAVE
        fromColor: "#5599ff"
        toColor: "#ffffff"
        length: 5 # animation length
        delayBetween: 5000 # in milliseconds
        animationSpeed: 30 # in milliseconds

How to create a scoreboard ?

To create a scoreboard he must give it a title and a list of lines. To add a line, you can also specify an animation and an event. Please look at the default condifuration to understand how to properly create a scoreboard.


To update your scoreboard, you can use the event system. This system allows you to avoid using tasks for updating placeholders. Traditional plugins often use tasks unnecessarily, which updates data continuously for all players. zEssentials aims to be as optimized as possible, making the event system the most efficient option. When a player performs an action on your server, an event is triggered (whether by Spigot, Paper, Folia, or even zEssentials). The configuration listens for the event you specified for the line and updates only that line.

In the default configuration we have the use of the event UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent to update line 2 and 3. When the player’s money is going to be changed, his scoreboard will be updated automatically.

Your event must be a player event (with some exceptions). You can find the list of events here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/package-summary.html


You can also create animations for your scoreboard to make it even more beautiful.


Allows to update the line all x milliseconds

- line: 3
  text: "&7Coins: &a%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%"
  update: 1000 # 1000MS = 1S

You do not need to specify the type of animation, you only need to set the time in milliseconds for the update.


text: "play.essentials.fr"
animation: COLOR_WAVE
fromColor: "#5599ff"
toColor: "#ffffff"
length: 5 # animation length
delayBetween: 5000 # in milliseconds
animationSpeed: 30 # in milliseconds

This animation will allow to create a wave of color from a start to an end color. The plugin will automatically calculate the colors between your two colors, in the example if above we will start from a blue color to a white. You can also configure the animation size, the delay between each animation and the animation refresh speed.

Last updated