The hologram module allows you to create holograms using Display entities. Everything works through packets, so you do not need to install additional plugins to make this module work.
With Display entities, you can create holograms for text, items, and blocks. For more information on Display Entities, visit: Minecraft Display Entities.
Since packets are used, each placeholder is unique to each player. You can use PlaceholderAPI to display data that only the player can see, such as their current balance.
To configure the holograms, you have all the in-game commands at your disposal, simplifying the processâno need to use configuration files!
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# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
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# Documentation:
enable: true
# Displays a hologram that indicates the number of credits an entity will receive
# Do you want this feature enabled ?
enabled: false
# Do you want to display damage for players ?
players: true
# Do you want to display damage for mobs ?
mobs: true
# Do you want to display damage for animals ?
animals: true
# Do you want to display damage for water mobs ?
waterMobs: true
# How long will the hologram stay in ticks
duration: 40
# Damage placeholder: %damage%
appearance: '<#ed2626>%damage%'
# Appearance of the damage, if the damage is critical
criticalAppearance: '<#ed2626><bold>á´ĘÉĒá´<#bf0b0b> %damage%'
# Height offset
height: 1.0
# Set an offset to X
offsetX: 0.5
# Set an offset to Y
offsetY: 0.5
# Set an offset to Z
offsetZ: 0.5
# To set the format to display the number of damage inflicted with a number after the comma
decimalFormat: "#.#"
# Disable damage indicator on certain entities
This configuration is an example of what can be done. Holograms can be configured directly in-game with commands. You can use the file from to configure your holograms.
To update your holograms, you can use the event system. This system allows you to avoid using tasks for updating placeholders. Traditional plugins often use tasks unnecessarily, which updates data continuously for all players. zEssentials aims to be as optimized as possible, making the event system the most efficient option. When a player performs an action on your server, an event is triggered (whether by Spigot, Paper, Folia, or even zEssentials). The configuration listens for the event you specified for the line and updates only that line.
For example, in the case of the baltop, two events are used. The first is the EconomyBaltopUpdateEvent, which is called when the baltop is updated. The second is the UserEconomyPostUpdateEvent, which is called when a player's economy is modified. Thus, the holograms will update for all players when the baltop is updated and for a specific player when their money is updated. Your event must be a player event (with some exceptions). You can find the list of events here: