
Manage messages in the chat.

This module allows you to manage your chat, manage the displayed messages, anti spawn, anti insult

Attention, some plugin will not be compatible as:

  • ChatControleRed, doesn't support properly new version with adventure.


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# ██║░░╚═╝███████║███████║░░░██║░░░
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# Permissions
# essentials.chat.bypass.alphanumeric - Allows bypass check alphanumeric
# essentials.chat.bypass.dynamic.cooldown - Allows bypass dynamic cooldown
# essentials.chat.bypass.link - Allows bypass link
# essentials.chat.bypass.same.message - Allows bypass same message
# essentials.chat.bypass.disable - Allows bypass disable
# essentials.chat.moderator - Allows to display the moderator-action
# essentials.chat.color - Allows color format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#color
# essentials.chat.decoration - Allows decoration format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#decoration
# essentials.chat.rainbow - Allows rainbow format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#rainbow
# essentials.chat.gradient - Allows gradient format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#gradient
# essentials.chat.click - Allows click format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#click
# essentials.chat.hover - Allows hover format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#hover
# essentials.chat.newline - Allows newline format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#newline
# essentials.chat.reset - Allows reset format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#reset
# essentials.chat.font - Allows font format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#font
# essentials.chat.keybind - Allows keybind format https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#keybind
# essentials.chat.link - Turns your links into clickable links automatically

enable: true

# Enables verification of authorized characters in chat
enable-alphanumeric-regex: true

# Check whether the message contains links
enable-link-regex: true

# Remove images that players are trying to put in the chat, for example: the message 'hey:auction:' will become: 'hey auction'
enable-itemadders-font-regex: true

# Allows to apply a dynamic cooldown between each message of a player, the more the player will spam the more he will have a great cooldown
enable-chat-dynamic-cooldown: true

# Check player tries to put the same message multiple times
enable-same-message-cancel: true

# Apply a format to the chat, disabled on if you want another plugin to handle this
enable-chat-format: true

# Turns links into clickable links if the player has the essentials.chat.link permission, the player must also have permission: essentials.chat.click
# check out link-transform
enable-link-transform: true

# Stores all player messages in the database. Works only with MYSQL storage
# Also provides access to all player messages with /sc command
enable-chat-messages: true

# Regex to check allowed characters
# You can test the regex here before changing the default one: https://regex101.com/
alphanumeric-regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.?!^¨%Ú*&Ê"#''{(\[-|èÃĒÃĢ`\\çà)\]=}ÃģÃŽ+<>:²â‚Ŧ$/\\-\\,-Ãĸ@;ô ]+$'

# Regex to check links
# You can test the regex here before changing the default one: https://regex101.com/
link-regex: '[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)'

# Regex to check itemAdders font
itemadders-font-regex: '(?<=:)(.*?)(?=\s*\:)'

# Set the number of messages and cooldown between each message in milliseconds
# The faster the player will send message the faster the cooldown between each message will be
  - messages: 2
    cooldown: 1500 # max 1.5s
  - messages: 4
    cooldown: 12000 # max 12s
  - messages: 10
    cooldown: 60000 # max 60s

# Number of messages that will be in memory to be analyzed during the cooldown
chat-cooldown-max: 50

# Chat format with permissions
# Use https://webui.advntr.dev/ to create your format quickly
# Available placeholder (you can use PlaceholderAPI here):
# %player% - Player's name
# %displayName% - Player's display name
# <message> - Player's message, Attention for message it's not %message% !
# %moderator_action% - Moderation action, see moderator-action
  - priority: 1
    permission: "essentials.chat.format.vip"
    format: "<hover:show_text:'&cReport this message'><click:run_command:'/report %player% chat'><#ff0000>⚠</click></hover> %moderator_action%<#ffffff><hover:show_text:'#ffd353ℹ Informations#3f3f3f:<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Money#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Coins#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%<newline><newline>&fâžĨ &7Click for more information'>%player%</hover> <#333333>Âģ <#ffff6b><click:suggest_command:'/msg %player% '><hover:show_text:'&fSend a private message'><message></hover></click>"
  - priority: 2
    permission: "essentials.chat.format.admin"
    format: "<#ffffff><hover:show_text:'#ffd353ℹ Informations#3f3f3f:<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Money#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Coins#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%<newline><newline>&fâžĨ &7Click for more information'>%player%</hover> <#333333>Âģ <#ff4444><click:suggest_command:'/msg %player% '><hover:show_text:'&fSend a private message'><message></hover></click>"

# Default chat format
default-chat-format: "<hover:show_text:'&cReport this message'><click:run_command:'/report %player% chat'><#ff0000>⚠</click></hover> %moderator_action%<#ffffff><hover:show_text:'#ffd353ℹ Informations#3f3f3f:<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Money#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%<newline>#3f3f3fâ€ĸ &7Coins#3f3f3f: #4cd5ff%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%<newline><newline>&fâžĨ &7Click for more information'>%player%</hover> <#333333>Âģ <gray><click:suggest_command:'/msg %player% '><hover:show_text:'&fSend a private message'><message></hover></click>"

# Allows players who have the essentials.chat.moderator permission to have a different view from other players.
# By default, moderators will have a button to punish the player
# Available placeholder (you can use PlaceholderAPI here):
# %player% - Player's name
moderator-action: "<hover:show_text:'<#ff8888>Punish the player'><click:run_command:'/sc %player%'><#ff8888>✗</click></hover> "

# Turns a link into a clickable link by players
link-transform: "<hover:show_text:'&fOpen the link'><click:open_url:'%url%'>%url%</click></hover>"

# Date format for /chathistory
date-format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"

# Chat ping

# To ping a player you must use the prefix @<nickname>
enable-ping: true

# Allows to activate the sound during a player ping, the player can disable the sound with the command /pingsound
enable-player-ping-sound: true

# Sound played when player is pinged
player-ping-sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING

# Ping sound volume
player-ping-sound-volume: 0.8

# Ping sound pitch
player-ping-sound-pitch: 1

# Color of ping displayed to the player
player-ping-color: "<red>%name%</red><red>"

# Color of ping displayed for other players
player-ping-color-other: "<white>%name%</white>"

# Placeholders

  - name: "ping" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[ping\\]" # [ping] placeholder
    result: "%player_ping% ms" # PlaceholderAPI extension Player: https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/player/
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.ping" # You must define a permission
  - name: "block" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[blocks\\]" # [blocks] placeholder
    result: "&a%statistic_mine_block% &fblocks" # PlaceholderAPI extension Statistic: https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/statistic/
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.block" # You must define a permission
  - name: "money" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[money\\]" # [money] placeholder
    result: "%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_money%"
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.money" # You must define a permission
  - name: "coins" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[coins\\]" # [coins] placeholder
    result: "%zessentials_user_formatted_balance_coins%"
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.coins" # You must define a permission
  - name: "playtime" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[playtime\\]" # [playtime] placeholder
    result: "&fI've played &7%zessentials_user_playtime_formatted%"
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.playtime" # You must define a permission
  - name: "pos" # Placeholder name, the name must consist only of lowercase letters, numbers 0 to 9 and characters _ and -
    regex: "(?i)\\[pos\\]" # [pos] placeholder
    result: "&bWorld: &f%player_world% &eX: &f%player_x% &eY: &f%player_y% &eZ: &f%player_z%"
    permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.pos" # You must define a permission

# Displays the item in your hand
  enable: true
  regex: "(?i)\\[item\\]|\\[i\\]" # [item] or [i] placeholder
  result: "&bx<amount> &f<item>"
  permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.item" # You must define a permission

command-placeholder: # ./<command> placeholder
  enable: true
  result: "<hover:show_text:'<yellow>Try this command'><click:suggest_command:'/%command%'><yellow>/%command%</yellow></click></hover>"
  permission: "zessentials.chat.placeholder.command" # You must define a permission

Last updated